Saturday, August 19, 2006

Around the Blog in 80 Seconds

Here's a weeks worth of posts and thoughts that you might find interesting. I did.

Concerning the Purity of the Church:
  • Is organizational solidarity what Jesus meant by unity? That's the question being pursued over at PulpitLive.
  • Dan Edelen writes: "And here is where the great truth exists: God made the Church to be His means of delivering grace." Check out his reflection on suffering and the role of the church in his re-post: The Reason the Church Exists.
  • Nathan Finn is concerned about SBC maps that lead nowhere. Check it out and read why.
Regarding the Spread of the Church:
  • Let's pray for the many Chinese believers who are burdened to reach Muslims in Asia and N. Africa with the Gospel. Reformation Theology has an encouraging update from a worker involved in the work.

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