Tuesday, October 17, 2006


"Race is not the Church's biggest problem. Our biggest problem is loving and befriending people who are not like us. Weekly meetings, conferences, and programs have failed because they are too simplistic. Now is the time for the Church to demonstrate radical relationships of inconvenience."

That's exactly right! Read Anthony Bradley's complete post: The Divided Church.

(HT: Ekklesia)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:07 AM


    'Now is the time for the Church to demonstrate radical relationships of inconvenience.'

    It's easier to give out money than to teach this, for some of the reasons I mentioned in my last comment. But, it's very clear this was what was going on in Acts. This would show a powerful witness in my city, where communities live seperate lives and sadly this is replicated in the churches.

    I've read that article before and it is one of the best I have seen on this subject.

