Monday, November 19, 2007

Random Bits About Some Churches and the Law

Scanning news in the church world, a few bizarre and interesting news stories surfaced. Here's a sample.

Can a local church be a "marital asset"? Here's another reason for a church to choose its pastor wisely and for a husband to choose his wife wisely:
In a case that may be the first of its kind, the wife of a pastor from Baldwin is hoping to win assets from her husband’s church in their divorce proceedings, saying he uses the church as his “personal piggy bank” and that any money he makes from it is partly hers.

In a decision published this week, state Supreme Court Justice Arthur Diamond agreed to hear arguments at trial in Mineola about whether Grace Christian Church in Brooklyn should be considered a marital asset, and ordered that it be appraised. It is one of the first times in New York State history — if not the first — that someone going through a divorce has tried to call a religious institution a marital asset, lawyers in the case said.
The entire article here (short read).

Okay... here's something I can't figure out. Why do prosperity preachers have money problems? AJC reports that one popular "evangelist" is having trouble paying the taxes on her $4.5 million dollar compound.

Careful with those powerpoint slides and the music you use. There may be copyright issues at play.

Dr. Fred Price sues ABC for bad reporting. Seems ABC got a fact wrong this time (by no means the first time). But shouldn't there be a mulligan if you got an individual fact incorrect, but what you say is true?

Texas Supreme Court Vindicates Pastor Who Practiced Church Discipline
A Texas pastor who was sued after exercising church discipline has been handed a victory by that state's supreme court. The lawsuit was brought by a church member who refused to repent following a divorce and remarriage.

Does separation of church and state apply to civil charges of embezzlement in local churches?

A Franklin County judge who thought he was delving too deeply into religious matters dismissed a lawsuit accusing a local pastor of taking nearly $1 million from his congregation, which hoped to get the money back in a judgment. (Read entire story here)

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