Monday, December 17, 2007

Men Who Do Not Bow the Knee to Baal

Todd Pruitt linked to this pastor's explanation of why he is breaking away from the emergent church movement. I'm thankful for his concern for theological integrity and the witness of the gospel. I'm thankful that he understands that the stakes are high. Bad theology, abandonment of the gospel, is not a victimless crime.
I’m all for a healthy theological debate…however I will not even begin to entertain a discussion into the integrity and validity of God’s Word. The truth is that not everyone will see the gates of Heaven…and Hell is real. Our repentance of sin and acceptance of Christ our Savior…by the grace of God…is the only way out of eternal damnation. Any teachings to the contrary is…heresy.


  1. Thank you for this link. I am glad to hear the discernment in this article. I pray God's blessings on their stance for truth.

  2. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Thanks for the link to the article. I was curious about the lack of distinction between emerging and emergent movements. It seems that the article seemed to be primarily addressing what has come to be known as emerging but would not be classified as emergent. Did you notice the same thing?
