Greg Gilbert poses some really, really, really helpful questions designed to help us think about our attachment to music in the public gathering of the church.
Before he votes, Eric Redmond wants to candidates to talk to him about morality.
Check out C.J. on "the pastor's task of discernment." And it's a great joy to add my brother to the blogroll.Justin Buzzard provides insights for inserting the gospel in everyday conversation. And the GirlTalkers have some helpful questions for deeper spiritual fellowship in conversation.
My man Carter has his kids "bugging for Jesus."
The Desiring God Pastors' Conference Audio and Sermon Summaries:
Session 1: The Pastor As Son of the Heavenly Father (D.A. Carson)
Session2: The Call to Courage (Crawford Loritts)
Session 3: The Pastor As Son of an Earthly Father (D.A. Carson)
Session 4: Evangelist Bill Piper: Fundamentalist Full of Grace and Joy (John Piper)
Session 5: The Pastor As Father to His Family and Flock (D.A. Carson)
Session 6: Fathering a Pioneer Mission Ministry (Greg Livingstone)
Mark Lauterbach on "The Spirit and the Church" on Acts 2:42-47:
The heart of the passage is this – the church is the work of the exalted Christ. She thrives by virtue of her union with Him. The church is made healthy by going back to him. Sin will disrupt the church. The Savior’s blood is more than sufficient for forgiveness and renewal. The call is to faith, to seek from the Savior the grace necessary for fruitfulness to be renewed. There is no reluctance in Him.
is it me or does da carson look like martin sheen from his days on west wing...