Monday, July 21, 2008

Together For Adoption Conference

The Together for Adoption Conference is slated to kick off November 1st in Greenville, S.C. The schedule promises an edifying and challenging time.

Theme: Our Adoption in Christ: What it Means for Us and for Orphans
Date: November 1, 2008
Location: Southside Fellowship (Greenville, SC)
See Conference Schedule

Sessions and Speakers:
The Good News of Adoption (Ephesians 1-2) Rick Phillips (Listen to one of his sermons: How Shall We Now Live?)

God’s Joy in Adoption Russell Moore (Listen to one of his sermons: But Are They Brothers? The Spirit of Adoption and the Unity of the Church)

Adoption and the Multi-Ethnic Family of God (Ephesians 1-2) Carl Robbins (Listen to one of his sermons: Union with Christ)

Our Adoption and Visiting Orphans in Their Affliction (Romans 8:22-23) Tullian Tchividjian (Josh Harris interviews Tullian about his book Do I know God? -Listen to one of his sermons: What the World Needs from the Church)

Q & A with Speakers

More details forthcoming

Two downloadable documents about T4A conferences:
Main Article
T4A Brochure

Join our Facebook group here.

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