Friday, August 08, 2008

Audio for the Soul

The folks at SovGrace have just announced the C.J. Mahaney sermon archive. You can listen to audio or watch video in their entirety or excerpts. Should be excellent stuff! (Sorry, C.J. It was either go with the suit or find a photo with hair. The suit was easier to find, my friend!)

Also, folks might want to check out the Carl F. H. Henry Center's Scripture and Ministry lectures archive. (HT: Unashamed Workman). Here's the description of the interview, sermon and lecture resources available:

The Henry Center sponsors the Scripture & Ministry lectures, which feature distinguished Christian speakers addressing issues of crucial importance for relating Scripture and ministry. This series brings together Trinity Evangelical Divinity School faculty members, pastors and community members for a time of learning and fellowship. The relationship between theologians and practitioners calls for earnest efforts to bridge the gap that all too often divides them and to encourage mutually enriching collaboration in the gospel
Good stuff to benefit the soul.

1 comment:

  1. Thabiti,
    It's about time. SGM is slow in getting out C.J. Mahaney sermons.
    Here are my archives of him so far.
    Reforming My Mind - MP3 and My job at Monergism
