Monday, November 24, 2008

Read Christless Christianity

It was a privilege to read an advanced copy and offer an endorsement of Michael Horton's new book, Christless Christianity: The Alternative Gospel of the American Church. What I appreciated most about Horton's book is that he turned his usually sharp mind and insight to focus on a slate of errors that affects masses of Christians in the Church, instead of focusing on other serious but more academic challenges. In other words, the book helps us address our people about things that are breathed so plentifully in the Christian ecospace: prosperity "gospel"; moralistic, therapeutic deism; and subjective individualism.

Here's a video of Mike talking about the book and a pdf of the first chapter.

Also, here is the first part of that video of Mike discussing the book:

Discerning reader has a review here.

I received my published copy in the mail today. Thanks Michael and Baker! I look forward to re-reading and considering again its content.

Here's what others have said in support of the book:

Horton confronts modern evangelicalism in terms reminiscent of J. Gresham Machen's challenge to liberalism in the 1920s. Both authors spotlight flaws that do more than distort Christian faith; they reject it. Horton's brush is broad--expect loud lamentation from the evangelical camp--but the picture he paints is largely accurate. His argument is convincing: therapeutic moralism has, in fact, found a home among evangelicals.
Parker T. Williamson, editor emeritus and senior correspondent, The Presbyterian Layman
Christless Christianity makes an important contribution in defense of the centrality of Christ to vibrant Christian life and witness. Horton has ably helped us see the train wreck that is so much of popular Christianity. While others are legitimately concerned with errors originating in the academy, errors that excite the intellectual but few average pew sitters are even aware of, Horton turns his sharp mind to exposing the mass production of a kinder, happier legalism that robs the average Christian of the liberating joy of knowing the Jesus whose work is finished and never improved. A more important and timely volume could not have been written.
Thabiti Anyabwile, senior pastor, First Baptist Church of Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands
Christless Christianity establishes Michael Horton as the outstanding protagonist for classical Protestant orthodoxy. His wide-ranging and carefully researched examples show how our churches and megachurches have pandered to the culture with Gnostic, Pelagian, moralistic, and self-help heresies bereft of the saving action of Jesus Christ. He leaves us with a profound trust and a sure confidence in our biblical faith. What could be more important?
Episcopal Bishop C. FitzSimons Allison

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