Monday, February 02, 2009

Hansen on What He Left Out

Over at Ref21, Colin Hansen reflects on some topics he left out of Young, Resltess, and Reformed. (HT: Challies) And in the midst of his reflection, he included this nugget about what he did see as he worked on his book:

[W]hat I saw during my travels was the stirrings of a true spiritual revival, not merely renewed interest in a particular theological system. I saw hunger for God's Word, passion to spread the gospel around the world, and zeal to pursue greater holiness. That's something Christians of any theological persuasion can support. For those who despair of this growing movement, I can only recommend that they renew their efforts to catechize young believers. It's easy to embrace Reformed theology in college when a Calvinist is the first Christian who has exposited the Word for you.

Indeed, may a God-centered revival be wrought among us by a glorious God desiring to be known and loved by His creation. May hunger for the Word stay the famine that is coming. May the gospe run rapidly around the world and the dark doldrums and slumber of spiritual wickedness be cast out. And may those holding to different commitments nonetheless hold committedly to the One True God with all the light He graciously gives!


  1. I feel an awakening coming on! Our nation needs it and so do our churches! If it happens, it will come from this emergence of Gospel-centered, Christ-exalting, lovers of Gods glory who believe God is mighty to save!

    Come Lord Jesus Come!

    Course, I have been wrong before.


  2. Good word and that's a good resource for all of our pastors to read. Thank you so much for your work, it has inspired me as a very young pastor.

  3. "May a God-centered revival be wrought among us by a glorious God desiring to be known and loved by His creation."

