Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sermon Introductions

Colin tips us to an uncharacteristically hilarious sermon introduction from Mark Dever. Worth the 6 minute listen.

Encouragements in Prayer from Piper

Here, "A Conversation Between Prayerful and Prayerless" (HT: JT).

And here, "Winning Battles Through Prayer."

Anti-Psalm 23 vs. Psalm 23

HT: JT. This is simply the most powerful and insightful and helpful thing I've read in the blogosphere or anywhere else in a long time.

Read JT's post for the high points.

Read the first part at Boundless for more complete treatment. And continue the discussion here and here.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Arabic Blogging

His Peace Upon Us (HT: DG) links to an interesting and massive study of the Arabic blogosphere conducted by Harvard's Berkman Center for Internet & Society. A pdf of the report is available here.

A few interesting findings:
1. The Arabic blogosphere is organized around countries, including: Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Syria.

2. Most bloggers blog about personal life and local issues.

3. Discussing the United States, war in Afghanistan and Iraq, and terrorism get little airplay in Arabic blogging. The study's authors write: "Across the map however, when discussing terrorism, Arab bloggers are overwhelmingly critical of violent extremists. We consider this a positive finding, although qualified because the issue of attitudes toward terrorism hinge on the term’s interpretation across the Arab world. Whatever its presence in other, less ‘public’ online venues, overt support for violent global confrontation with the West appears to be exceedingly rare in blogs."

4. Religion: "Religion is a very popular topic in the blogosphere, and appears to be discussed more in terms of personal religious thoughts and experiences than in its political or theological aspects. Criticism of other faiths is minimal, though can be strident. The exception is a cluster of bloggers within the Islam-focus area, from various countries, who write about Islam from a conservative perspective and frequently criticize other faiths."

5. Lots of YouTube linking.

Was Lloyd-Jones a Black Preacher?

Iain Murray records an interesting aspect to Lloyd-Jones' preaching. Or more accurately, the cultural context into which he began his preaching career. Apparently, among Welsh preachers of the day, there was the accepted and revered practice of preaching with "the hwyl." Murray explains, in the words of a newspaper of the time, that "the hwyl" was a "combination of ecstatic emotion and of musical intonation which has held vast congregations absolutely spellbound with its mesmeric effect." That same writer declared that "the hwyl" was "the distinctive and exclusive characteristic of Welsh preaching."

Many African-Americans will note that "the 'hoop" is the distinctive and exclusive characteristic of many an African-American pulpit. So distinctive and exclusive is "the 'hoop" that preaching and 'hooping are almost synonymous; one can't preach if they can't 'hoop. The expectation for Lloyd-Jones as he began his career, and for many African-Americans preachers, is that they would pay homage to this preaching style.

I pray that Lloyd-Jones' attitude would come to characterize more and more African-American handlers of the Word of God. Murray tells us that "Dr. Lloyd-Jones viewed it as an artificial contrivance to secure effect, just as he did the multitude of illustrations and anecdotes which the preachers had taught the people to expect. In contrast to this, his sermons were closely reasoned, with the main theme carefully analyzed. He was certain that true preaching makes its impact, in the first instance, upon the mind."

Yet Lloyd-Jones was not merely an intellectual preacher. He intended from the onset to engage the "average man" and to preach with unction. In his own words, Lloyd-Jones describes his basic approach:

I am not and have never been a typical Welsh preacher. I felt that in preaching the first thing that you had to do was to demonstrate to the people that what you were going to do was very relevant and urgently important. The Welsh style of preaching started with a verse and the preacher then told you the connection and analysed the words, but the man of the world did not know what he was talking about and was not interested. I started with the man whom I wanted to listen, the patient. It was a medical approach really--here is a patient, a person in trouble, an ignorant man who has been to quacks, and so I deal with all that in the introduction. I wanted to get the listener and then come to my exposition. They started with their exposition and ended with a bit of application.

While we don't need imitators of Lloyd-Jones, we do need more men who think carefully about their approach in the pulpit. What are we doing there? Who are we speaking for, and who are we speaking to? And for what effect?

Monday, July 20, 2009

Questions from Carson on Jeremiah 16

I use the Bible reading plan in Don Carson's For the Love of God in my personal times of study. One of the chapters for this morning was Jeremiah 16. In the chapter, God decrees judgment against Israel for her sin, but Israel is oblivious as to why. Carson observes:

One of the most striking features of this chapter is that the people really do not seem to be aware of their guilt. They cannot see why they should face judgment. "Why has the Lord decreed such a great disaster against us?" they ask. "What wrong have we done? What sin have we committed against the Lord our God?" (16:10). One of the most terrible indices of how far a people have strayed from righteousness is the degree to which they can no longer perceive their own guilt. Men and women who truly love righteousness and integrity are invariably aware when they breach it. The most holy people are blissfully aware of their corruptions and idolatries. So we must ask ourselves: where on this sort of spectrum are our churches found? Or our culture? Are we characterized by profound contrition, or by a frank inability to think that we have really done anything all that wrong? What does that say of us? What does that say about the Lord's stance toward us?

What say ye?

Jesu, Lover of My Soul

JESU, Lover of my soul,
Let me to thy bosom fly,
While the nearer waters roll,
While the tempest still is high:
Hide me, O my Saviour, hide,
Till the storm of life be past!
Safe into the haven guide,
O receive my soul at last!

Other refuge have I none,
Hangs my helpless soul on thee;
Leave, ah! leave me not alone,
Still support and comfort me:
All my trust on thee is stayed,
All my help from thee I bring;
Cover my defenceless head
With the shadow of thy wing.

Wilt Thou not regard my call?
Wilt Thou not accept my prayer?
Lo! I sink, I faint, I fall-
Lo! on Thee I cast my care;
Reach me out Thy gracious hand!
While I of Thy strength receive,
Hoping against hope I stand,
dying, and behold, I live.

Thou, O Christ, art all I want,
More than all in thee I find!
Raise the fallen, cheer the faint,
Heal the sick, and lead the blind;
Just and holy is thy name,
I am all unrighteousness;
False and full of sin I am,
Thou art full of truth and grace.

Plenteous grace with thee is found,
Grace to cover all my sin,
Let the healing streams abound;
Make and keep me pure within:
Thou of life the fountain art,
Freely let me take of thee,
Spring thou up within my heart,
Rise to all eternity.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Free Resources!

Over 1,800 free seminary courses available from RTS, Westminster, and Covenant warehoused at The Gospel Coalition.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Things to Guard Against When Taking a Stand

Another nugget from Francis J. Grimke:

When we take a stand because we think it is wise or right to do so, we must also be willing to bear whatever consequences it may entail. Under such circumstances two things we must be on our guard against:

1. We must not allow the criticism that may be directed against us to embitter us against our critics. There is a real danger here, and we need to be on our guard against it.

2. We must not allow oursleves, however severly we may be denounced, to swerve from what we believe to be right, or proper simply to avoid criticism.

From Carter G. Woodson (ed.), The Works of Francis J. Grimke, Vol. 3 (Washington, D.C.: The Associated Publishers), p. 18.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Business and Religion

Dr. Frances J. Grimke:

"A man should carry his religion into his business, and his business into his religion. He should run his business in accordance with the principles of his religion, and he should be business-like in his religion. The same promptness, efficiency, the same energy and earnestness that he shows in his business should also be carried into his religion. in other words, we should be thoroughly religious in all our business relations, and thoroughly business-like in all our religious relations."

What do you think?

I suspect that most people wouldn't dispute the first half--take Christ with you into business. But the second half? Bring a business-like approach to religion?

Obviously there are ways that business and a business-model-mindset have affected the church, turning pastors into CEO, members into shareholders, and the church into a marketing machine looking for a niche. So, we lament those things. But I wonder if there isn't the need in our church lives for "the same promptness, efficiency, the same energy and earnestness" that would define most of us in our secular employment?

Are we more diligent when we're working for earthly employers than we are when working for the Lord?

Are You A Calvinist for Real?

My worship guy sent me this quiz. Let me know what your score was and how many "Calvinists" do you think fit these descriptions. Have fun--a little bit--then get to work... you Calvinists!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Consider What Others Say of You

Among the gems I've found helpful over at Reformation Theology of late:

"Be advised to consider what others say of you and improve it to this end, to know whether you do not live in some way of sin...And though the imputation may seem to us to be very groundless and we think that they, in charging us so, are influenced by no good spirit; yet if we act prudently, we shall take so much notice of it as to make an occassion of examining ourselves ... it is most imprudent as well as most unchristian, to take it amiss, and resent it, when we are thus told of our faults: we should rather rejoice in it, that we are shown our spots ... we should improve what our enemies say of us. If they from an ill spirit reproach and revile us to our faces, we should consider it, so far as to reflect inward upon ourselves and inquire whether it not be so, as they charge us ... they are likely to fix on real faults, they are likely to fall upon us where we are weakest and most defective."

- Jonathan Edwards, The Necessity of Self Examination.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Identity Politics in the Church...

...on the R. Albert Mohler Show today at 4pm EST. Should be a good discussion.

Brief Comments on 2 Timothy, 2

"I thank God whom I serve, as did my ancestors, with a clear conscience, as I remember you constantly in my prayers day and night." (2 Tim. 1:3)

The apostle is near the end of his life. As one writer put it, "he is writing in the shadow of the gallows." Death is near. And what is Paul's mental state?

He tells us that (a) he thanks God, (b) he serves God, and (c) his conscience is clear.

What a way to face death! The apostle dies as he lived--thanking and serving God and consequently with a clear conscience.

A clear conscience before God is to be sought and treasured by all His children. I've seen some and read of many others who see death approaching and fall to pieces. Even some professing Christians experience grave uncertainty and anxiety. Often it's because they're more aware of periods in their life when they've not served God faithfully. They remember the kindnesses not shown, the forgiveness not extended, the duties left undone, the opportunities missed or ignored, the love withdrawn, not to mention the words rashly spoken, the bitterness coddled, the grudge carried, the prayerlessness, the closed Bibles, the fellowship shunned, and so on. They're filled with regret that they have walked at some distance from Christ, followed along at a safe distance like Peter at the Lord's arrest. And they're afflicted with the thought that though they could have walked by the Savior's side, stood in His defense, proclaimed His name, they have accomodated the world, satisfied their own desires, and wasted so much. Their consciences aren't clear. The mind is plagued. It's agonizing.

Paul's mental state reminds us that each day is a day presented to the Chrsitian as a gift of communion with the Savior, an opportunity to know Him more deeply and serve Him more gladly. Each day and each moment of the day offers that golden gift. Paul seized it. He remembered that his ancestors served God, and he remembers his constant prayers. Is this not the apostle who tells us to pray without ceasing? And was that not his habit? And the result: confidence before God, awareness of "the promise of the life that is in Christ Jesus" (v. 1), peace in the face of death.

What testimony does our conscience make?

"By this we shall know that we are of the truth and reassure our heart before him; for whenever our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and he knows everything. Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence before God; and whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep his commandments and do what pleases Him. And this is His commandment, that we believe in the name of His Son Jesus Christ and love one another, just as he commanded us. Whoever keeps His commandments abides in God, and God in him. and by this we know that He abides in us, by the Spirit whom He has given us" (1 John 3:18-24).

Feelin' Ol' School

That's how my wife has been feeling the last couple of days. The house has been with the likes of:

James Cleveland

The Williams Brothers

Shirley Caesar

The Truthettes

Monday, July 13, 2009

Brief Comments on 2 Timothy, 1

"Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God according to the promise of the life that is in Christ Jesus, To Timothy, my beloved child: Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord" (2 Tim. 1:1-3)

Two radical things from these opening lines:

1. Paul was certain that his apostleship was "by the will of God." He knew He was sent by Jesus. He knew it. No, I mean he knew it! It's so characteristic of his letters that it's almost a calling card, a signature for the apostle. He was so certain of this call from God that he defends it in Galatians 1-2. The great apostle Paul. How much of his greatness stemmed from this soul-deep certainty that he was sent by Jesus in accord with the Father's will? How much of our weakness stems from not having this certainty of God's calling?

2. Here is a serious monotheist mentioning God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord in the same breath! We hardly think anything of it. But for a first century Jew, asserting the Lordship of Jesus in the same breath as the Father was a radical disclosure of who God is. To get a modern-day comparable, one might think of Muslim reactions to Trinitarianism. How radical it is for a Muslim to go from tenacious monotheism to Trinitarianism. How radical it was for Paul to come to this knowledge of God. It is astounding that a person's centuries old view of God could be changed in an instant! How kind of the Savior to disclose Who God is to babes.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

More and More Grace

It's been a really full and joyful week at FBC this past week. We've had vacation Bible school and Upward Basketball activities going on each afternoon and evening.

Yesterday we joined in the wedding celebration of Shane and Ronnie Ebanks. We try to make our weddings worship services, focused on the Lord Jesus Christ and thanksgiving to God for the gift of marriage. Yesterday was as Christ-centered marriage as I've ever had the privilege of attending. The couple did a wonderful job of focusing on the Lord. And it was a tremendous time of celebration in the church family, with seemingly everybody in the church pitching in in some way. It was truly a family affair, and it was lavish in love. The couple wrote their own vows. See them below and let me know what you think.

Today, we had the joy of baptizing four persons following the morning service. Their testimonies of God's grace and salvation were powerful. And while we were at the ocean conducting their baptism, an older lady who has attended the church for years and wrestled with many questions, decided to profess her faith in baptism. It was one more example of the Lord's kindness to us all.


Shane and Ronnie's Vows

I confess that I am a sinner who has offended a Holy and Righteous God, as a result of my sin I was separated from God and his perfect justified wrath was upon me.

God being rich in mercy and love sent His Son. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, being without sin thus the perfect sacrifice, died on Calvary’s Cross to take the punishment for my sins. The Father has given me a faith in him, so I can now confess that Jesus is Lord and believe in my heart that the Father raised him up from the grave.

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. I have been given a new eternal life in Christ. Christ has become my righteousness. I am adopted into the kingdom of God. By the spirit of Christ I call out Abba, Father. The Holy Spirit has sealed me for the day of redemption. And it is in this new life...

I promise to love you all the days of my life. I will treat you as if you were part of my own body. I will be quick to listen and slow to speak. I will exist with you in the covenant of marriage in a way that glorifies God, communicating the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


Sharon I will care for you always. I will honor you and cherish you with a love that I possess only through Christ. I will esteem your counsel above all others. I will always try to be first to the cross, when it comes to sacrificing for you. Knowing that adultery is detestable to the Lord, I will keep our marriage bed pure. Should the Lord see fit to bless us with children, I will endeavor to raise them with you in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. In the example given by Christ the groom to the Church his bride I will attend to your needs helping you to become all that God wants you to be. I Love You!


Shane I will joyfully submit to your God ordained leadership in everything. I will love you and cherish you in all that you do. I will esteem your counsel above all others. Knowing that adultery is detestable to the Lord, I will keep our marriage bed pure. Should the Lord see fit to bless us with children, I will endeavor to raise them with you in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. I will support, trust and respect you, for I love God and He has given you to me. I Love You!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Around the Blog in 80 Seconds: The "List" Edition

Five Signs of a Struggling Church:
  • We don’t emphasize Bible study anymore.
  • We cut our outreach budget.
  • Our church doesn’t change with the community.
  • We don’t take risks.
  • We don’t have a clear discipleship plan.
See the full article at Church Forward (HT: My World)

Michael Horton's Top 5 Books on Calvin (HT: JT)

Six Things a Pastor Becomes When He Has a Close Walk with the Savior
  • …he becomes known as a godly Christian first and foremost, and only secondarily as a capable pastor or preacher
  • …he blesses the congregation by the vitality of his prayers
  • …he preaches a Saviour he knows
  • …he becomes a ‘worthy’ example to the flock
  • …he strengthens the faith of his family who see that he loves Jesus as much in the home as he does in the holy-pulpit
  • …he bears the weight of the ministry by bringing its burdens to Jesus
Thanks Colin.

Eight Outlines for Revelation 20

Ten Things You May Be Loving More Than Jesus (HT: My World)

Friday, July 10, 2009

Carson on Jeremiah 5

Today, I pondered the following meditation for some time:

God challenges Jeremiah to find a single honest man on the streets of Jerusalem (5:1), anticipating the search of Diogenes in the Greek world. Even one such person wold have been enough, according to God, to forestall judgment on the city. But of course that is another way of saying how slippery the moral life of the city had become, how extensive the sin was, how insincerity and moral corrosion had damaged the city's children.

Initially Jeremiah thinks that perhaps the negative results of his search could be laid at the door of the disadvantages of the lower classes. Of course, even the poor were supposed to know and keep the Law of God, but it is compassionate to make allowances. So Jeremiah goes off to examine the sophisticated, the privileged, the articulate--and finds no less moral rot there than elsewhere (5:4-5). Intelligent sinners use their intelligence to sin; sophisticated sinners concoct sophisticated reasons for thinking their sin is not sin; upper-crust sinners indulge in upper-crust sin. "But with one accord they too had broken off the yoke and torn the bonds" (5:5).
Carson ends by asking, "How many of these elements are playing out today?"

It's a good question, and one that perhaps we don't consider enough as preachers and Christians. Doesn't it seem that the implicit assumption toward the wealthy is that they're spiritually and morally 'okay' while the poor are obviously the ones with the spiritual problems. Sometimes we might even think the poor are poor because they're spiritually bankrupt. We diagnose 'white collar' and 'blue collar' crime, as though they weren't both examples of coveting, thievery, and "spiritual rot" as Carson calls it.

This'll preach: "Intelligent sinners use their intelligence to sin; sophisticated sinners concoct sophisticated reasons for thinking sin is not sin; upper-crust sinners indulge in upper-crust sin."

And doesn't the Bible tell us it's the rich that exploit and oppress us? Why our love affair with wealth, and our willing complicity with their sin?

The rich man in his comforts takes an air-conditioned ride toward hell. And the poor man in his misery suffers on his way to the same flames.

We need preaching and pastoral practice that isn't deceived by riches, but speaks the truth to power so that all--rich and poor--might be saved.

Quote from For the Love of God, Volume 2.

So, Is Membership in a Church Required or Not?

That's the question the folks at Christianity Today at their re-launched Building Church Leaders blog asked Eric Bryant of Mosaic Church and myself to discuss. No surprise here, I took the "for church membership position," and Eric the "church membership is not enough" position.

Let me know what you think.

Thursday, July 09, 2009


"The Gospel Coalition" is another way of saying "Together for the Gospel."
"Together for the Gospel" is another way of talking about "Coalescing Around the Gospel."

One expresses itself through the prism of personal friendships. These are a few Friends Together for the Gospel. Which raises the question, which one is Phoebe?

The other takes a more organizational expression, specifically designed to build a bigger Tent of Meeting. We can guess who Moses and Aaron are. But the question is, as in all coalitions, who will be the Survivors? Or, more biblically, who is Korah and will there be a rebellion?

Together for the Gospel is comprised of friends, but that doesn't mean the Gospel Coalition isn't. The Gospel Coalition is an organization, but that doesn't mean Together for the Gospel is unorganized.

All coalitions are made up of people from various backgrounds who gather around a common objective. The coalition is only as strong as the center around which it's built and the various parties' commitment to that center. If the parties look away from the center, the coalition begins to tatter and fray. When they look to the center, they draw near to one another in common purpose and effort.

All friendships have their times of testing. If what bonds them are the cords of love, they tend to survive and be strengthened by the testing. If, however, they prove to be but mere acquaintances then testing may be the occasion for splitting and ending.

But at the heart of The Gospel Coalition is Jesus Christ and the Good News about Him. There is no better Center. And we have reason to hope that as His men look to Him, the coalition will remain strong.

And the cords that bind the friendships of Together for the Gospel are the cords of God's love in Christ. There are no stronger bonds than those forged in God's love. So we have reason to hope that those friends who are together for the gospel will remain so.

And we have reason to hope for ourselves and our churches, that as Christ is the Center of all our living and His love binds us with His people, we will remain so centered and bound together until He comes. The story of The Gospel Coalition and Together for the Gospel ought to be the story of every local church and the Christian friendships inside them. I pray it's so.

Monday, July 06, 2009

9Marks Interviews

If you're a regular to this blog, you're probably already familiar with 9marks ministries. If not, then one of the great things you're missing out on is the 9marks interview series. Usually about an hour long, the 9Marks interviews feature great discussions with Christian leaders from all over the world. Some of them are "life and ministry" interviews where you get a bit of the person's personal background, conversion, and ministry labors. Some interviews feature a pastor, theologian, author discussing their various works and current projects. And some focus on a particular issue or topic in the Christian world. You owe it to yourself to browse the many very informative interviews.

Of recent interest:

Consider Conrad Mbewe on Christianity in Sub-Saharan Africa

Aaron Menikoff interviewing Mark Dever, Matt Schmucker, Greg Wills, Greg Gilbert, and Brad Wheeler on leading the church today. A gutsy thing to do at your installation weekend at your new church! Fun interview.

And then there is Christians and Culture with Ken Myers of Mars Hill Audio.


Is There Any Point in Our Suffering?

Tim Challies, reflecting on Ligon Duncan's book Does Grace Grow Best in Winter, gives a very helpful answer.

Tim reviews the book here. You can buy the book here.

Friday, July 03, 2009

As You Prepare for Sunday...

It is the function of economists, not the pulpit, to work out plans of reconstruction. But it is emphatically the function of the pulpit to stab men broad awake to the terrible pity of Jesus, to expose their hearts to constraint of that divine compassion which haloes the oppressed and the suffering and flames in judgment against every social wrong.... There is no room for a preaching devoid of ethical directness and social passion, in a day when heaven's trumpets sound and the Son of God goes forth to war.

James Stewart, Heralds of God (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1972), p. 97. Quoted in John Piper, Brothers, We Are Not Professionals: A Plea to Pastors for Radical Ministry (Nashville, TN: B&H, 2002), p. 170.

Thursday, July 02, 2009

These Are A Few of My Favorite Things...

Warm hospitality with sweet families:

'Rock 'em, Sock 'em Robots'! Remember those?

And 'Hungry Hippos'

Breakfast at Elder Grants':

Visiting the American Girl Place (for my daughter!):

Pastors and their wives (It's always a joy to get a photo op with the Bishop of Atlanta and First Lady :-)):

Conferences, Conferences, Conferences

I'm excited about the opportunity to sit under God's word and fellowship with His people in three upcoming conferences.

First, there is Worship God '09 on Aug. 5-8th. Bob Kauflin and the crew at Sovereign Grace do an outstanding job with this conference. Last year was my first year attending, and I was greatly edified. As conferences go, Worship God '09 probably has the best mix of both substantive teaching and opportunity to process what you're hearing with others. The schedule is relaxed enough that you can actually think specifically about application or pursue other things in greater depth or really build relationships with your team. This year, hear from C.J. Mahaney, Bob Kauflin, John Piper, Shai Linne, Jeff Purswell, and Don Whitney. Registration is open for another three weeks. So if you haven't already, you might want to go ahead and register.

Then Aug. 22-28, there is the 2009 Carey Conference held at the Braeside Camp and Conference Centre in Paris, Ontario. This is a 30 year old family conference, designed to combine "sound Bible teaching, warm Christian fellowship, and family fun." Audio from previous conferences is available here. Previous speakers include: Jim Eliff, Steve Martin, John Reisinger, Art Azurida, Tom Nettles, Don Carson and many others. This year, I'll have the privilege of not only enjoying a week's retreat with my family there, but also sharing the evening expositions we've called "Questions for Jesus." It's not too late to register. If you've not yet settled on summer vacation plans, why not make it both refreshing and spiritually enriching?

And September 25-26, there is God Exposed: Awkward Preaching in a Comfortable Age. This promises to be a wonderful time of focusing on preaching in our day. A partnership between Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and 9Marks, here's the aim:
God Exposed will call pastors and church leader to embrace and defend expositional preaching as a means to strengthen and grow the church. Expositional preaching - that which has as its aim to explain and apply a particular portion of God's Word - is especially important in a day when many are abandoning faithfulness to the Scripture in their pulpit ministries. This conference will encourage and train pastors whose primary calling is ministering the Word of God to their people.
Speakers include Daniel Akin, Mark Dever, C.J. Mahaney, Mike McKinley, and myself. I'm looking forward to this!