Thursday, July 02, 2009

Conferences, Conferences, Conferences

I'm excited about the opportunity to sit under God's word and fellowship with His people in three upcoming conferences.

First, there is Worship God '09 on Aug. 5-8th. Bob Kauflin and the crew at Sovereign Grace do an outstanding job with this conference. Last year was my first year attending, and I was greatly edified. As conferences go, Worship God '09 probably has the best mix of both substantive teaching and opportunity to process what you're hearing with others. The schedule is relaxed enough that you can actually think specifically about application or pursue other things in greater depth or really build relationships with your team. This year, hear from C.J. Mahaney, Bob Kauflin, John Piper, Shai Linne, Jeff Purswell, and Don Whitney. Registration is open for another three weeks. So if you haven't already, you might want to go ahead and register.

Then Aug. 22-28, there is the 2009 Carey Conference held at the Braeside Camp and Conference Centre in Paris, Ontario. This is a 30 year old family conference, designed to combine "sound Bible teaching, warm Christian fellowship, and family fun." Audio from previous conferences is available here. Previous speakers include: Jim Eliff, Steve Martin, John Reisinger, Art Azurida, Tom Nettles, Don Carson and many others. This year, I'll have the privilege of not only enjoying a week's retreat with my family there, but also sharing the evening expositions we've called "Questions for Jesus." It's not too late to register. If you've not yet settled on summer vacation plans, why not make it both refreshing and spiritually enriching?

And September 25-26, there is God Exposed: Awkward Preaching in a Comfortable Age. This promises to be a wonderful time of focusing on preaching in our day. A partnership between Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and 9Marks, here's the aim:
God Exposed will call pastors and church leader to embrace and defend expositional preaching as a means to strengthen and grow the church. Expositional preaching - that which has as its aim to explain and apply a particular portion of God's Word - is especially important in a day when many are abandoning faithfulness to the Scripture in their pulpit ministries. This conference will encourage and train pastors whose primary calling is ministering the Word of God to their people.
Speakers include Daniel Akin, Mark Dever, C.J. Mahaney, Mike McKinley, and myself. I'm looking forward to this!

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