Friday, July 10, 2009

So, Is Membership in a Church Required or Not?

That's the question the folks at Christianity Today at their re-launched Building Church Leaders blog asked Eric Bryant of Mosaic Church and myself to discuss. No surprise here, I took the "for church membership position," and Eric the "church membership is not enough" position.

Let me know what you think.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent article, Thabiti. What Eric seemed to describe doesn't seem much different from church membership. My concern with what Mosaic practices would be the "belonging before believing". Because it is expected of the leaders of the church to shepherd the flock that God has brought to them, at Mosaic that would seem to include the shepherding of non-believers. That sounds like an almost impossible thing to do, as non-Christians have not submitted themselves to the same authority (Christ) as believers have.
