Thursday, July 02, 2009

These Are A Few of My Favorite Things...

Warm hospitality with sweet families:

'Rock 'em, Sock 'em Robots'! Remember those?

And 'Hungry Hippos'

Breakfast at Elder Grants':

Visiting the American Girl Place (for my daughter!):

Pastors and their wives (It's always a joy to get a photo op with the Bishop of Atlanta and First Lady :-)):


  1. Very nice pictures. Reminds us of the wonderful visit and conference. May God continue to bless your ministry.

    God bless,

    The Boisons, Illinois, USA

  2. Hey bro,
    I didn't tell the people that I think you were cheating somehow with Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots! :-) Thanks for all the fun and memories!

  3. Pastor T,

    I didn't want to mention it but now they know who was winning! I might as well go on and attribute the strategy to PS. 144:1 and some home team advantage!!!

  4. Good one, brother! Good one! Have a wonderful Lord's Day! Give my love to the saints at New Life.
