Sunday, August 30, 2009

Carey Conference Audio

In an earlier post, I mentioned some of the outstanding preaching made available at the Carey Conference by the great pastors and expositors with the Sovereign Grace family of churches in Canada. You can find all the audio here. Below are the morning talks from the week:

Who Is Man? (Heb. 2:5-9)
Don Theobald

What Is the Gospel? (1 Cor. 15:1-5)
Paul Martin, Grace Fellowship Church, Toronto

Marriage (Gen. 2:4-25)
Kirk Wellum, Principal, Toronto Baptist Seminary

Hope in Parenting (Psalm 42:5)
Carl Muller, Trinity Baptist Church, Burlington

David Robinson, Grace Baptist Church, Cambridge

The Broken Family
Brad Powers, Berean Baptist Church, Sudbury

Panel Discussion
David Robinson, Carl Muller, Kirk Wellum, Don Theobald

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