Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Worshp God '09 Audio Available

The folks at Sovereign Grace put together the best conference I know of for folks involved in leading public praise. The conference blends both concentrated attention to the word of God and workshops addressing almost every imaginable topic involved in leading worship, songwriting, playing instruments (everything but the Oboe according to C.J.), and a host of other things. It's a wonderfully refreshing time.

They've made the audio from this year's general sessions available:
For all downloads, right-click and select "Save Target/Link As."

The God of Worship (John Piper)
Listen Download

The Heart of Worship (John Piper)
Listen Download

The Leaders of Worship (Jeff Purswell)
Listen Download

The Church of Worship (Thabiti Anyabwile)
Listen Download

Lessons Learned from Three Decades of Leading (C.J. Mahaney and Bob Kauflin)
Listen Download

The Life of Worship (Bob Kauflin)
Listen Download

What a joy it was to sit under the word and enjoy this fellowship!

1 comment:

  1. G'day from Australia and thank you so much for putting these up!
