Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The High, Holy Vocation

There’s a holy, high vocation
Needing workers everywhere;
’Tis the highest form of service,
’Tis the ministry of prayer.
No one need stand idle,
longing for a place in which to share.
Active service for the Master,
there is always room in prayer.
In these days of tribulation,
wickedness pervades the air;
The battles we're engaged in,
must be won through fervent prayer.
There's no weapon half so mighty
as the intercessors bear;
Nor a broader field of service,
than the ministry of prayer.
Do you long to see the millions,
who are perishing today,
Snatched as brands plucked from the burning?
Do you long, yet seldom pray?
Come and join the intercessors!
Laurels, then, someday you'll wear;
For there is no higher service
than the ministry of prayer.

—Annie Lind Woodworth, missionary to India
Quoted in Tom Carter, They Knew How to Pray, p. 74.
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