Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Don Carson on Longing for and Understanding "the Kingdom"

I profit so much from this brother's teaching! And I'm deeply grateful to God for him. The first minute or so on longing for the kingdom is moving (HT: Challies).

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:58 PM

    It honestly does breaks my heart when I hear people all the time, "Hmm, Jesus needs to wait until I get married or I do this thing or I do that thing."

    One thing if they were joking. But when they keep mentioning it, they are no longer joking.

    I yearn to see Him face to face. But until then, I have to glorify God here on earth. I am here for such a short time. When I am done, I am going home.

    I hope and pray that I preach that we are being saved to God, not saved from hell.
