Monday, November 02, 2009

Brief Posts with Great Content

Tony Carter wonders "Is Balance a Four-Letter Word." And he's dragging Packer and Terry Johnson in on his side. I think he's right.

Russell Moore, quoted by JT, on "Great Preachers vs. Mediocre Preachers":
Great preachers are the ones who preach really bad sermons. The difference is that they preach really bad sermons when they're young, and are sharpened for life by critique.
Mediocre preachers are those who start off with sermons that are, eh, pretty good, but they're never critiqued and this never grow.
Good words. Read the entire post here.

Z lists 13 marks of male maturity from Al Mohler here.

Of First Importance with another helpful quote:
We never feel Christ to be a reality until we feel him to be a necessity.

-Austin Phelps, quoted by Gordon Keddie in Preacher on the run: The Message of Jonah (Hertfordshire, England: Evangelical Press, 1986), p. 85

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