Monday, July 03, 2006

A Wonderful Lord's Day

Yesterday I had the wonderful privilege of celebrating the Lord's day at Covenant Life Church in Gaithersburg, MD. It was an immense honor to serve some of my favorite pastors by opening God's Word during their services. Bob Kaughlin (check out his blog) did an outstanding job in leading us in song. C.J. Mahaney was his typically encouraging self. And Josh Harris is as hospitable and generous a pastor as you'll meet. Jeff Pursewell, who leads the Sovereign Grace pastors' college, joined us for lunch and was his usual humble yet intellectually astute self. What was also evident to me was the work of God's Spirit in that congregation in producing a deep humility, an attitude of service backed with action, great joy fired by a love for the Truth, and attentive ears for God's word. I praise God for the saints at Covenant Life and for the great work He is doing in the Sovereign Grace family of churches. May all churches be marked by such devotion to the Savior and love for the brethren! Thanks Josh and C.J. for the amazing experience and joy of fellowshipping with you all yesterday. And please thank your lovely families for giving you all up for the afternoon to talk over dinner. It was a fitting end to a great Lord's day.

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