Thursday, October 19, 2006

Good Thoughts on Pastoral Visitation

The Lord used Richard Baxter's visitation ministry to work a revival in Kidderminster. It seems He is stirring good spiritual thought and fruit in Paul Martin's visitation ministry. He has some good thoughts on this excellent ministry here and here. His second post begins with a great quote from Baxter:
We must labour to be acquainted, not only with the persons, but with the state of all our people, with their inclinations and conversations; what are the sins of which they are most in danger, and what duties they are most apt to neglect, and what temptations they are most liable to; for if we know not their temperament or disease, we are not likely to prove successful physicians. –- Richard Baxter, The Reformed Pastor, 90.


  1. Excellent! Let God revive old-fashioned know the people and love them in your church and community ministry. My Dad was that kind of pastor and saw lots of people saved because of it.

  2. Thabiti -
    For some reason my RSS feed for your blog stopped working. Anyway, I was scrolling down my blogroll tonight and thought I had not seen a post from you in several days so I jumped over to take a peak. How surprised I was to see your link to my post on pastoral visitation! Thank you for the link.
    I have really enjoyed your blog, brother... and all the more so since Mark Dever was up here in Toronto last week for the International Baptist Conference. One of my first questions for him was how to pronounce your name correctly! He made me say it over and over until I got it just right. I hope I remembered it correctly so if the Lord crosses our paths one day I can greet you correctly.
    Do keep bloggging... and remember us up here where the snow is threatening to drop tonight... as you stroll on some beautiful beach or something! :-)
