Friday, October 06, 2006

Let's Make It 50!

Yesterday I mentioned 39 things that really encourage me as the pastor of FBC. That's an odd number to end on, so let's make it an even 50! Here's 11 more:
  1. I'm really encouraged with the ability of the church to support pastors in Cuba. One member in particular has taken on that work and been used of God to greatly help our brothers laboring in that country.
  2. I'm encouraged with the child care and Christian school ministries at the church. We have an opportunity to shape generations from birth to 8th grade. These are great ministries with potential for advancing the gospel.
  3. There's the opportunity to contribute positively to churches in the Caribbean.
  4. There's the opportunity to become a great sending station for missionary efforts around the world, as the islands population is about 50% expatriate. With folks coming and going every 4-7 years, we have the chance of stuffing their backpacks and suitcases with gospel truth to deliver wherever the Lord sends them next.
  5. I'm encouraged by the conversions we have seen in the past year or so. A number of our newer members are new Christians. Their joy in the Lord and desire to grow is tremendously uplifting.
  6. The continuing relationships the church has with other local congregations, both on island and off, are a source of fellowship and encouragement. I'm thankful for the fruit I trust will come and is coming from these relationships.
  7. Dr. Linda Cross, principal of First Baptist Christian School, encourages me with her fervent desire to see the children know the Lord and to groom a generation of leaders for the church and the island.
  8. Did I mention that it is a great joy to spend each day looking in God's Word preparing to feed God's people? This is a sweet privilege and the most rewarding labor ever!
  9. The Lord has given me a number of evangelistic opportunities for which I am thankful. That folks have been willing to have extended gospel conversations is indeed encouraging.
  10. Observing how quickly my daughters have adjusted to life in Cayman, how quickly they've made friends, and the joy they have in participated in the life of the church is a great encouragement. I'm thankful that the Lord seems to be shaping in them a love for the people here and a love for the ministry He has given us.
  11. In the six weeks I've been here, by God's grace, I've discovered a number of weaknesses, flaws, and sins that I need to repent of and by God's aid overcome. It's a great kindness of God that He has shown me some of these; no doubt there are many more. But I'm encouraged that He has given me some spiritual sight and assessment of my own life and is working in me some victory. He's not done; but I'm rejoicing at the evidence that He's at work.

I pray that you're encouraged with your church and your spiritual life as well. May the evidence of God's grace be ever so abundant in your life, and may the discipline of looking for that evidence encourage you all the more as you look for His soon coming return!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:45 PM

    I am leaving a comment not just on this post but on your whole blog. It has been so encouraging to see the way that you have settled into your role at FBC and also the way that the church has accepted you and your family. I pray that FBC might be a place where God chooses to grow his people and that you might keep seeing him at work so that you praise and glorify him. Maybe in a year you will have a hundred things that you can thank God for. It's been great to read through your blog over the last few weeks.
