Thursday, January 11, 2007

This Feels Like Shameless Self-Promotion but...

I had the privilege of sharing today on the Paul Edwards Show, a radio broadcast in the Detroit, MI area sponsored by the The Center for the Study of God and Culture. It was fun talking about the Gospel and Islam, and about the forthcoming Crossway volume, The Faithful Preaching, Recapturing the Visions of Three Pioneering African American Pastors (March 7, 2007). It was a great privilege working with Crossway on this volume and I pray that the Lord is pleased to edify His church through it.

As long as I can't escape this awkward feeling, I also want to say how very much I'm looking to the fellowship with pastors at the Desiring God 2007 pastors' conference. I'm humbled and thankful to John for the invitation to deliver the pastoral address. I am eagerly looking forward to sitting at the feet of John, R.C., and William Mackenzie. And again, I pray that the Lord's undershepherds are drawn into Him resulting in the edification of His people and the spread of His glory.


  1. Thabiti,

    The book looks great. Also, I'm excited about your opportunity to speak at the DG Pastor's Conference. I pray that God will use you!

  2. Steve,
    Thanks for the prayer! I really appreciate it.

  3. It is indeed self-promotion, my brother, but I would not call it shameful :-). Yet, I know the book is God-promoting and I am sure your address at the Pastors Conference will be too. I continue to praise God for what he is doing.

    Eagerly looking forward to the release of this book and fellowshipping with you again.


  4. Anonymous10:45 PM

    I hoped to be able to hear your interview but could not find it on the site you linked. Did I miss something?

    It was good to finally see something on your book; no shame on the promo. I look forward to reading it.

    We have been hovering around 0 degrees up here; hopefully things will heat up a tad bit in time for your arrival. We'll have to get some snow by then too. It would be a shame for you to miss out on that (:

    I am praying for your preparation. It will be good to see and hear you!

  5. i'm super excited that you'll be speaking at piperfest 2007!

  6. I look forward to being the first one on the block to get your new book. Hopefully I won't be the last...

    thanks for your ever encouraging exhortations-

    Brother Hank
