Saturday, May 05, 2007

Around the Blog in 80 Seconds

Are Evangelicals disdained in the classroom today? The Washington Post takes a look at some research attempting to answer this question.

Our brother, Eric Redmond, who we interviewed here a couple weeks ago, is expanding his writing ministry to the blogospere. Check him out here. He is just starting out and sorting through the focus he wants to have, but these are the kinds of things Eric intends to cover:
  • A Matter of Meaning. Author-centered interpretation of passages of Scripture, following the theory of E. D. Hirsch.

  • Notes from Issacharians. General clips from others thinking within culture.
    Being Intellectually Virtuous. An “although I find it odd,” or “I never thought about this” section. (Thank you, James Sire.)

  • Apostle Paul’s Haircut. Comments at the dividing line between the African American Church and African American Culture.

  • Ex Libris Kai Bibliotheca. Recommendations of books, and an occasional review. (Yes, I know I mixed my Latin and Greek in the title.)

Thanks to JT and Eric, I learned that IVP has The Decline of African-American Theology: From Biblical Faith to Cultural Captivity now advertised on their website. Thanks JT and Eric for pluggin' the book. It's been a labor of love. My sincere and humble hope is that this book and The Faithful Preacher: Recovering the Visions of Three Pioneering African-American Pastors contribute in some small way to the reformation discussion and activity in the church. Would you join me in that prayer?


  1. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Thabiti, I'm enjoying the blog. I didn't find it until meeting you at Twin Lakes a few weeks ago. I too hope your books contribute to the reformation discussion. Missye Rhee gave me some extra copies to distibute to pastors in my community outside of Memphis, TN. Just wanted to encourage you in this direction. James Grant

  2. James,
    Thank you for the very meaningful encouragement. Good to hear from you, brother. Twin Lakes was a sweet time. Should be monthly :-)

    I pray the book is a blessing to the pastors in the Memphis area, and I pray your joy in the gospel and the ministry only increases as you proclaim the Savior!


  3. Thabiti, my pastor brought a copy back from Twin Lakes as well. He has also had kind words for what you shared with the pastors at Twin Lakes. Bless you brother! I am looking forward to many more books from you.
    Wendell Talley
