Tuesday, June 26, 2007

We Got A Warnie!

Much to my surprise, PureChurch has received a Warnie Award from our brother Adrian Warnock. I appreciate Adrian's writing and full-on engagement with important theological issues. It's a privilege to be even mentioned in the same breath with other recipients and to get positive encouragement from my brother across the pond.

Six others received a Warnie as well, including:

Expository Thoughts -- a really good group blog "dedicated to preachers and preaching".

Church Matters -- a new group blog started by the team at 9Marks Ministries. Mark's first post: "Where'd All These Calvinists Come From?" Should be interesting reading! (Truth in adverstising, Lord willing I'll be contributing there as well)

Reformation 21 Blog -- Another group blog with a who's who of Presbyterian brothers commenting on all kinds of things.

Desiring God Blog -- A blog run by Abraham Piper, son of John, and information distributor extraordinaire. Excellent sermons, notes, shorts, and posts from the DG team.

Enjoying God Ministries -- The blog ministry of Dr. Sam Storms. "Proclaiming the Power of Truth and the Truth about Power"

Terry Virgo -- About Terry: "Terry is based at Church of Christ the King, Brighton, UK and is the founder of Newfrontiers, a worldwide family of churches together on a mission to establish the kingdom of God by restoring the church, making disciples, training leaders and planting churches."

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