Monday, October 01, 2007

Women's Conference with Noel Piper

The sisters at Capitol Hill Baptist Church are hosting a women's conference that promises to be edifying and challenging. The conference will be held, D.V., October 12-13 at CHBC. Noel Piper is scheduled to be the keynote speaker. And the theme is a "Psalm 91 Woman."

A description from the conference information page:
"Noel will be speaking on "The Psalm 91 Woman"--a meditation on living as a godly woman without fear. She will explore how this psalm speaks to women today as we strive for godliness in our busy, modern lives. Noel will also bring us the story of Betsy Stockton, a woman from the past who exemplifies a life without fear. Times of teaching will be accentuated by worship, Scripture, and prayer."

If you're in the DC area Oct. 12-13, prayerfully consider joining the ladies at CHBC for a tiem of fellowship in the word. Registration closes Oct. 1st (today!) so register today.

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