Monday, November 05, 2007

Band of Bloggers '08

Bloggers unite! Or... at least meet. The good brothers at Said At Southern will be hosting the Band of Bloggers meeting to coincide with T4G 2008. This year's theme is "The Gospel Trust." If you have not yet registered for T4G, please consider a slightly earlier arrival to participate in this conversation about our stewardship of the gospel. If you've already registered for T4G, consider changing your travel plans to arrive a bit earlier. We'd love to see you all there!

Details from the website below:

Many of you will remember that in concert with the 2006 Together for the Gospel Conference a meeting was held called “The Band of Bloggers.” The outcome of that fellowship was the gathering of over 70 bloggers all across the country. While the event was a success and encouragement to many, it has been our desire to build upon that vision with a more concentrated and collaborative effort for the upcoming 2008 Together for the Gospel Conference.

On Tuesday, April 15, 2008, we will gather for the second Band of Bloggers fellowship. The meeting will take place during lunch just prior to the first session of the T4G conference at the Galt House in downtown Louisville. The theme for the 2008 Band of Bloggers is “The Gospel Trust,” and the guest speakers who will comprise the panel include Tim Challies, Justin Taylor, Thabiti Anyabwile, and Mark Lauterbach. With a strong blogging community in Louisville, Said at Southern will facilitate in hosting the event.

Plans and preparations are being finalized, and more details will be forthcoming in the near future. More information as well as articles, interviews, and podcasts will be available here at the new Band of Bloggers website. Be sure to subscribe to the BOB feed for further updates.

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