Friday, January 11, 2008

Reading on Evangelism for 2008

A couple posts back, I mentioned that my personal focus this year is on evangelism and doing the work of an evangelist. Throughout the year, Lord willing, I want to consistently read something that focuses me on evangelism, the gospel, and the lost. Brother Quincy requested the reading list, so here it is as it stands. My aim isn't necessarily to read through all of these, as if the goal were to "finish." Rather, these are books that have caught my interest for one reason or another, some of which I've read before, and that I want to spend some time however slow or fast working through. If I only read a couple of them well, I'd be quite encouraged and I trust the Lord will use that.

In no particular order:

Jerram Barrs, The Heart of Evangelism (Crossway)

Bruce J. Nichols, Contextualization: A Theology of Gospel and Culture (Regent College Press)

C. John Miller, Repentance and 21st Century Man (Christian Literature Crusade)

Andreas J. Kostenberger and Peter T. O'Brien, Salvation to the Ends of the Earth: A Biblical Theology of Mission (IVP)

Cornelius P. Venema, The Gospel of Free Acceptance in Christ (Banner)

Peter Jones, Gospel Truth--Pagan Lies: Can You Tell the Difference? (Spring Arbor Distributors)

Sinclair Ferguson, In Christ Alone: Reflections on the Heart of the Gospel (Ligonier Ministries)

Horatius Bonar, Words to Winners of Souls (P&R)

Anthony A. Hoekema, Saved by Grace (Eerdmans)

Jerry Bridges and Bob Bevington, The Great Exchange: My Sin for His Righteousness (Crossway)


  1. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Wow, you got your eye on some really great books!

    Glad to see Lauterbach's "Transforming Community" on your list.

    I think Jerry Bridges "Disciples of Grace" is a better look at christian liberty than Steve Brown's "Scandalous Freedom." Brown does make me laugh when I read him, but Bridges usually makes me cry.

    I'd love to read Sinclair Ferguson's "In Christ Alone" but I think I'm going to give away my copy to a brother I've been encouraging in the Lord. Skimming the pages, it looks like it would be a great read.

    I have Sider's "Churches That ake A Difference" but it hasn't moved far enough to the top of my to-read stack for me to pick it up yet. If you read it before me, I'd love to read your thoughts on it.

    There's one evangelism book missing from your list. I'd highly recommend Will Metzger's "Tell the Truth" for anyone looking at personal evangelism. (And it's also available from WTS Books)

  2. Barrs is my favorite prof from Covenant Seminary. Anything he writes, get your hands on. He is such a gracious, gospel centered man.


  3. Greetings Pastor Anyabwile!

    My name is Keith Tolbert. I'm a member at All Saints Redeemer Church, pastored by our friend Michael Leach.

    I just wanted to tell you that I have just finished reading you wonderful book, "The Decline of African-American Theology".

    It is an excellent work! I want to share with you my comments on the book which I published on my own blog here on blogspot, "In Submission to Sovereignty" . . .

    "Drawing a Line in the Sand

    Happy New Year! Yes, I'm eleven days late. Please accept my apologies. I just never want to be accused of publishing "filler". If I don't have truly have something to say, I won't waste your time by just rattling off junk.

    Thankfully I found something worthy of blogging about! It has been my extreme privilege to read Pastor Thabiti Anyabwile's new book:

    "The Decline of African-American Theology: From Biblical Faith to Cultural Captivity

    To say that this book is vitally important would be an understatment of the grossest sort. Bro. Anyabwile throws down the proverbial "gauntlet", calling us to "choose this day whom we shall serve"; the God of the inerrant, infallible Holy Bible or the god of our subjective, personal/cultural experience.

    On the one hand is the omnipotent, just and providential God, who has revealed Himself in Holy Scripture; and who has commanded us in the way of true worship of Himself. On the other hand is the sympathetic, manageable and culturally-biased idol whom many of us have created in our own image. This non-God will prove to be naught in the judgement to come.

    I challenge all the readers of this blog to obtain and read this challenging tome and consider whether you have inherited the original and more importantly Biblical faith of our enslaved ancestors or the personalized faith of the post-reconstruction era. Your answer is of eternal portent.

    I also encourage you to visit Bro. Anyabwile's blog, Pure Church and let him know how his book impacts you. I'm sure he would appreciate it.

    I leave you with this quote from his book's afterword: ' . . . sincerity and truth are not synonyms. Theological errors and , in some cases, heresies have opened up fault lines that threaten to quake and destroy the souls of those inside a crumbling church. Faulty theology is not a victimless crime'".

  4. Great stuff! Packer's book caused a revolution my thinking when I read it in college. Barr's book is a must. Lauterbach's book is one of the best treatements of Gospel community/church discipline I have ever read.

    I would add two to the list:
    "Tell the Truth" by Will Metzger

    "Telling the Truth" D.A. Carson (editor)

  5. Where's Mark Dever's book in your lineup?! HA!

    In all the recommendations of books that Piper's staff read in 2007 (see DG blog) none of them listed one of John's books either!

    Too funny.

  6. All,
    Metger's "Tell the Truth" and Carson's "Telling the Truth" are both excellent.

    Patrick, it is funny to see those associations and what gets left off. Actually, I've recently read Mark's book. That's why it's not here. But don't tell him; it'll keep him humble :-)


  7. In all seriousness, thanks for this wonderful listing. I recently posted on God's obvious working in my life to equip me towards greater evangelism in 2008.

    I came across your post in updating a new rss reader with my fav. blogs and now I see God has much more for me to read on this subject. I look forward to pointing others towards this list.

    Thanks for your ministry to fellow ministers through your blog. I hope to meet you face to face at T4G.

