Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Come Experience the Truth

Our man Carter is discussing his new edited volume, Experiencing the Truth: Bringing the Reformation to the African American Church (Crossway). You can check the by faith interview here.

A sample from the interview:

Q. While some think the African-American experience is antithetical to historic Reformed theology, you say that in actuality they are inherently complementary. How is this true?

A. Well, Reformed teaching emphasizes the sovereignty of God. In God’s providence, He is working all things out for good for His people. And African-Americans experientially see this as true, as they have experienced trials and tribulations and historic oppression. They take comfort and solace in the fact that God is sovereign and working things out for good.

So Reformed teaching and the African-American experience is quite compatible. In fact, Reformed teaching best helps us interpret the African-American experience. There is a sovereign God who is just and merciful who is working all things together for good.

But the challenge is that African-Americans are not exposed to Reformed theology, so they see it as antithetical.
It was and is a joy to endorse this important book:
“A long line of people offer advice about the church—her ills, her hopes, her needs, and her prospects. But most diagnoses and prescriptions rely on the pundit’s own store of knowledge. In Experiencing the Truth, Carter, Leach, and Jones provide a biblical diagnosis and a biblical prescription for what ails the African-American church and much of the larger church world as well. From theology to preaching to worship and Christian spirituality, these veterans of the church and pulpit apply the scalpel of truth to every major area of church life. They helpful remove the diseased tissue and bandage the strong muscle of the church. Anyone who cares about seeing the cause of Christ advanced in the local church will delight in this volume and be helped in that cause.”

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