Monday, August 18, 2008

Bangor Worldwide Missions Conference

Tomorrow, the family and I have the privilege and blessing of heading off to Northern Ireland for Worldwide 2008. The theme this year is "One World, One Hope"--a play off the theme for this year's Olympics but focused on Christ our Hope. There will be a couple sessions focused on Islam and a host of speakers that should edify and encourage.

Hamilton Road Presbyterian Church in Bangor, Northern Ireland will host the conference. You can find the conference program here. I hope that if you're Northern Ireland you'll be able to attend the conference. Please pray for our time there, that the Lord would bear great fruit that remains to His glory and our joy.


  1. Pastor T, you better brush up on your stirring rendition of "The Star of the County Down"!! Have a great time!

  2. Thanks Laura! I'd better look up the lyrics, huh?! :-)
