Thursday, October 16, 2008

Pray for Persecuted Christians in Orissa and Iraq

JT posted this over at Between Two Worlds. Let's indeed join together in prayer for the saints. May Samuel's perspective be our own: "As for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by failing to pray for you" (1 Sam. 12:23).

A convicting plea from Eric Ortlund:

Dear Friends -I find I far too often tell people I'll pray for them and then forget about it. I'm asking you not to be like me after reading this post. I'm sure some of you have heard about the persecution in India, in the northern province of Orissa - about 50,000 Christians have had to flee their homes under persecution by extreme Hindus. Churches have been burned and Christians have been tortured and martyred for their faith in Jesus. I'm asking everyone who reads this to pray frequently for these Christians, with whom we'll be spending the rest of eternity - and to pray for their persecutors, that, like Paul, they'd see the light.

No corner of the Internet is really private, and one has to be careful about what one says; but the situation in India is no secret, so I think it's OK to talk about it here. The sitaution in Mosul, a city in Northern Iraq across the Euphrates from Ninevah, is no secret either - 1300 Christians have been forced to flee, often entire families, under persecution. Christians have been martyred here as well. See this article:

I got an email through the grapevine from an Iraqi pastor who talked about how families were sleeping in their cars, who had had relatives kidnapped and executed. I don't want to be ashamed before him in Heaven by having to admit that I never prayed for him. Let's not fail to pray for peace in this area, and even more deeply for Jesus to shine his light through his people.

The BBC files a video report about the persecution in India, and offers further information here.


  1. Anonymous12:44 AM

    the christen inrugents are killing indians in the name of GOD,in nagaland,tripura,mizoram,where christen are more than 50%.these christen insugents wants indenendance from INDIA.they are getting arms,ammunation,traing from pakistan and china.
    we must condemn all types of killing in name GOD
    church or christen never condemn these killing,WHY.

  2. Unfortunately, that sort of baseless accusation is the justification for killing Christians. It's like when the Christians in ancient Rome were called cannibals because of the Lord's Supper.

    Here is a video from a brother in India that sheds some light on the issue:

  3. Anonymous,

    Please don't believe the lies told to you about Christians. People are lying to you. I would condemn Christians killing Indians, if Christians actually were killing Indians. Christians worship a God of love and mercy.

  4. Anonymous2:57 AM

    Thankyou,you may visit or send fact finding team to nagaland,mizoram,magalaya to find out how unsafe are nonchristian in christian dominated area.
    we must condemn killing in name of GOD by christian or hindu or muslim.
