Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sunday Gleanings

A couple of things of note from perusing the blogosphere this evening:

Andy Naselli lists three ways to spoil the gospel: addition, subtraction and disproportion.

Also found this gem at Andy's blog:
On November 20, 1998 in Orlando, Florida at the annual meeting and fiftieth anniversary of the Evangelical Theological Society, D. A. Carson and John Piper gave back-to-back hour-long plenary addresses to about 1,000 ETS members (mostly college and seminary professors):

D. A. Carson, “Training the Next Generation of Evangelical Scholars” (MP3)

John Piper, “Training the Next Generation of Evangelical Pastors and Missionaries” (MP3 l manuscript)

J.I. Packer reduces Calvistic soteriology to one point. HT: Buzzard.

Speaking of Justin Buzzard, Carolyn McCulley posts a bit of advice given to Justin by an older man in his church following the birth of the second Buzzard boy. It's advice I need to hear and take to heart!

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