Monday, November 17, 2008

Around the Blog in 80 Seconds

Came across this comment at an otherwise interesting site: "the Church is looking at the Internet as a viable option for true Christian community." Church... internet... true Christian community. This gets the "You're kidding, right?" award for November.

Ligonier is making the video of the T4G conference available on-line for free Nov. 18-Dec. 5th. (HT: ThirstyTheologian)

Denny Burk and Ray Van Neste are asking for help to renew serious discussion about revising the ETS doctrinal statement. I'm not a member of the ETS, but from a distance this seems like a very worthwhile venture given how wide the doctrinal statement is currently. (HT: JT)

The Pyromaniacs are expanding my vocabulary. Today's word is "querulousness." Read here about how querulousness is the new honesty and why that's a bad thing.

Do you remember the "day off"? Had one of those lately? Colin points out 10 ways to ruin the day off.

Michael A. G. Haykin recently preached a chapel service at Southern called "Love for the Brothers," an argument for love as an essential mark of the church. I'm feeding my soul with that sermon today. Thank you brother Haykin! Much love!

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