Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Make It Plain Preacher!

Derek Thomas asks:

Which of these two statements do preachers most like to hear: a) "I didn't understand much of what you said, but I love to hear you preach," or "You know, when I hear you preach I say to myself, 'I could have seen that in the text"?

Read here for his short response.


  1. Anonymous8:08 AM

    I'd have to vote for the latter!

  2. Latter for sure! For me CJ Mahaney is a great example of that one. I often say that after I hear him preach but am also always amazed at how the Lord uses messages from CJ to really change me!

  3. I love it when someone says, "well duh" after the sermon. I recall an old bible covered with penciled notes from the old guy who preached at my home church. He made it clear, simple and applicable. I should do as well.

  4. I dont know! I think either one would be hard to swallow, at least for me! The first one would be ego-elating, but not Christ exalting. In regards to the second I dont want to think I am the only one who can teach the text but would like to think I can take my people a little deeper!

    There should be a third option! LOL

    Like: "I am not too impressed with you or your preaching, but man God uses your sermons to grow me!"

    I vote YES.


  5. Greg,

    I hear what you say, but I would rather encourage them to study so well and see the text and understand it that they would say, "If I had the same amount of time that you do to study the text I could come up with the same main points." I never want them to be so dependent on me. Pastors come and go and the people must be able to study the Word on their own.

    Greg I understand what you are saying though. I also appreciate your option and would not differ too much with it :--)

  6. Yeh, I'm guilty of the latter. So often after someone preaches i'm thinking 'that is so obvious in that text' usually followed by 'i'm so dumb for not having seen it already'.
