Thursday, April 16, 2009

Discussing "The Decline" on Iron Sharpens Iron

It'll be a privilege and a joy to join Chris Arnsen on his radio show, Iron Sharpens Iron, today and tomorrow at 3pm Eastern. We'll be discussing The Decline of African American Theology. If you're in the NY area, please tune in and join the discussion. Or join us online as well.


  1. Thabiti:

    Can Hip/Hop be an encouraging sign? Rappers Shai Linne and Trip Lee et al. bring a weighty biblical theology to their records. And, I'm not much of a hip/hop kind of guy.

    What do you think?


  2. Anonymous11:29 AM

    I read an excerpt from your book online and the first chapter was amazing! Im definitely going to add it to my library. It was refreshing and truly a blessing to read.
    Be blessed bro
