Thursday, July 16, 2009

Are You A Calvinist for Real?

My worship guy sent me this quiz. Let me know what your score was and how many "Calvinists" do you think fit these descriptions. Have fun--a little bit--then get to work... you Calvinists!


  1. I have a C-factor of 72%...which means I have Calvinistic tendencies. Funny questions. Maybe we should offer this test when people join our churches. :)

  2. I am a Calvinist in some ways, they say. I think it was the food and clothing thing that got me, along with wasting time taking the quiz.

    Was this a set-up T?

  3. 67%. And, I loved the cartoons!

  4. Anonymous12:27 PM

    78% Calvinist.

    As far as relationships emotions, it ranked my 33%. I might as well have been a Catholic :)

  5. 72%

    Wow and I am considered extreme in the SBC convention. :--)

  6. Anonymous8:44 PM

    75% shocking

  7. 81%. It said I was not born to be a Calvinist, that I was better suited to Catholicism.

    I think I will go burn myself at the steak now.

  8. 92%

    Do I need to start worrying about whether or not I am a hyper?

  9. Anonymous12:07 AM

    81%, must be why some follow SBC'ers would be "concerned" by me.

  10. 64% and the food and clothing did throw me off. I thought that quiz would be something to test are you a 5 points or not! Oh well, I did enjoy taking this quiz. I did forward the link to my wonderful friends who is a 5 points to see how she did on this quiz.

    I am lay back on clothing and like to be comfy but do like to look nice for the banquet or something like that.

    As for food, I am always hungry as a bear and like to eat real food and not so-call food.

    Hungry to eat His Word, (I am sure that John Calvin is always hungry to eat His Word.)
    'Guerite ~ BoldLion
