Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Kevin DeYoung on Church

I've been really appreciating the writing ministry of Kevin DeYoung. He's a refreshing blend of insightful clarity, historical and theological helpfulness, and winsome style. You might enjoy the 9Marks interview with Kevin on the emergent church and other things, and Kevin and Ted Kluck's recent book, Why We Love the Church.

I finished reading Why We Love the Church on the plane ride back from S. Africa. From the opening chapter I knew this was a book I wanted to give to at least a dozen people with various objections to the church. Very readable and persuasive. Highly commended.
Kevin's offering today at his blog is "Why Membership Matters." A topic near to my heart. Read the six reasons Kevin offers.

1 comment:

  1. I am reading it now, love it! They have some great things to say and at least provide some space where people who are tired of church, burned out, hurt, etc., can wrestle with some of the issues facing the Church today!

