Thursday, October 29, 2009

Are You Coming to T4G?

I hope you are. It's going to be a feast on and in the word of God! If you're thinking of coming, remember that the "early bird registration" lasts until Saturday. A snippet to whet the spiritual thirst:

Together for the Gospel: T4G 2010 Conference from Together for the Gospel (T4G) on Vimeo.

Register here.


  1. Anyambilile9:01 AM

    T, sorry this is not related to the blog at hand. I am looking for an on- line good Christian world view course. In my searches, I have only come across one offered by Institute for Creation Research: You know of any other?


  2. I haven't registered yet for the conference but I did book my hotel room at the Galt House. No more six or seven block walks with armfuls of books for me!
