Sunday, November 08, 2009

Prophet and Shepherd

“A ministry that is all prophetic all the time will wear down a congregation. It will eventually defeat a congregation. A ministry that is all sympathetic all the time will coddle the congregation straight into the deadly pastures of unwarranted self-assurance and the false pastures of self-security. A pastor who would be a theologian knows when and how to be both convicting prophet and comforting good shepherd.”

--Stephen J. Nichols, “Proclaiming the Image: Theology and Preaching,” Gheens Lectures at Southern Seminary

Which was your pastor today?

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:33 PM


    The lectures were outstanding. He painted a glorious picture of the pastor's role in incarnating the ministry of Christ to the people. Hope you are well!

    Josh Manley
