John Piper has written a moving account of his time with his father as the elder Piper went home to be with the Lord. I'm giving God praise for such a faithful evangelist, husband and father in William S.H. Piper.
Mark Dever has some well-deserved words of praise for Don Carson. Carson's forthcoming book sounds really interesting as well.
Speaking of Dever, the 9Marks crew continues its work on elders in the new issue of 9News Journal. I'm really looking to diving into Lig's piece on training elders and into the 4-parter on lessons in leadership.
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6 hours ago
I must admit to being somewhat disappointed with the training manual for Elders. Frankly it seemed like more of a guide to being Reformed than it did to being an Elder, and the questions were the sort that a well trained teenage Sunday School student should be able to answer. No doubt the answers could be done in greater detail, or could serve as the basis for discussion, but it seemed like it was presenting the basics of Reformed theology that any Christian in a Reformed church should understand within a couple of years of being saved. Sorry, I'm not trying to be harsh; I'm just disappointed.
For whatever it's worth, I agree that the last two issues of 9News Journal dealing with eldership have been very good, and beneficial for many of us who've never been in an elder led church.
On a totally different note, I have a request. When I tell people about your blog or mention your book, I have NO idea how to pronounce your name! Is there a chance you could record yourself pronouncing and put a link to that file by your name in the "About Me" column?
I know that's an off-the-wall request, but I suspect I'm not the only person who would find that helpful. Thanks!
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. And thanks for recommending the book. I pray it's an encouragement to you and others.
Since I'm a tech novice, I probably won't be able to get a sound file with the pronunciation. But if you try the link "My Testimony" in the side bar, you'll hear Mark pronounce it correctly.
Tha (short "a")-bee-tee
An (short "a)-ya (short "a")-bwee-lee
But most people just call me Thabiti :-)
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