In our attempts to win over our world we must not sell Jesus short. We should continually pray that God would give us the strength to represent him honestly and truthfully, and that his Spirit would use our words to breathe life into our hearers. We should always expect people to reject Jesus and his gospel.
However, it is vital that as we preach him to our world that they get to meet the true Jesus, not some sort of three-wish genie or religious icon. We must preach Christ and him crucified, the message that is foolishness to those who are perishing, but is the power of God to us who are being saved (cf. 1 Cor 1:18, 2:2).
What is the "Ideal Christian Woman"? Wendy Alsup has some thoughts: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.
One thing complementarian pastors face as they seek to instruct others in the biblical understanding of manhood and womanhood is the question of abuse. In our culture, where abuse is a real problem and where people breathe the air of feminist egalitarianism, complementarians need to demonstrate real and proactive concern for this real problem. To that end, CBMW has an expanded statement on abuse that might be helpful.
Conference Messages
Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
Women's Ministry in the Local ChurchnSusan Hunt
Different by Design 2007
Session 1 Russell D. Moore
Session 2 J. Ligon Duncan, III
Different by Design 2005
Manhood and Womanhood in Creation and Marriage: A Biblical Defense Wayne Grudem
Session 2 C. J. Mahaney
Different by Design, Wheaton
Feminist Revisions of the Doctrine of God Bruce A. Ware
Disciplines of a Godly Woman Barbara Hughes
How and Why to Preach on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood R. Kent Hughes
The Gender-Neutral Bible Controversy: Including the TNIV Wayne Grudem
A Practical Look at Role Relationships in Marriage R. Kent Hughes
Different by Design, Florence
The Joy of Homemaking Jodi Ware
Raising Feminine Daughters Jodi Ware
Manhood and Womanhood in the 21st Century Paige Patterson
Different by Design, Orlando
Does Galatians 3:28 Negate Gender-Specific Roles? Peter R. Schemm, Jr.
The Myth of Mutual Submission Peter R. Schemm, Jr.
Wow, thanks for the hat-tip! I have been crazy blessed by this blog, especially your series on godly elders, for the last few weeks; it's now on my list of frequent destinations.
In the oh-so-eloquent words of my generation, you rock.
The Audio from a conference Randy did for our church is available for free download here:
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