By God's grace and through the generosity of the saints at FBC, my family and I are on vacation this week. We're in the barbecue capital of the world, Lexington, N.C. Best chopped barbecue on the planet.
While we're on vacation, blogging will be light to non-existent. As I meditate on last week at T4G, Covenant Life, and a pastor's retreat, I may put up a reflection or two either here or at Church Matters. But we'll see.
In the meanwhile, a brother in the church sent this link to me on muslim conversions. Thought it would be an interesting read.
Skip Home Depot! Kickstart Your Garden (for Less) with These Amazon Deals
Spring is knocking, and those Home Depot trips are looming, but before you
load up that orange cart, consider this: Amazon is BURSTING with garden
deals ...
7 hours ago
1. Glad to see you taking a little break from blogging and spending time with the family.
2. Wonderful job on your message on race!
3. FedEx me some of that BBQ so I can compare it Chickawanee (or wherever that is) and see which is better.
4. Take some pictures of those dive boats for me with Mother Moore!
5. Tell Tito I'm keeping the Cuban coffee warm till he gets back.
6. Praying for you as you chill for a bit.
7. Looking forward to your return.
Welcome to NC my friend. By the way, great message at T4G. That was a great conference.
Enjoy your time here in the piedmont triad. We are doing some minor home improvements down the road if you care to stop by.
Brother Thabiti...I just launched a new blog and would be interested in getting your thoughts over the next few weeks. I was tired while writing the first post, so don't judge me too harshly...:-)
Thank you for that link. Everyone needs to take a break and focus on other things.
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