The New Attitude messages are being uploaded here. I'm particularly interested to hear C.J.'s first talk, The Troubled Soul: God's Word and Our Feelings.
Memorial Day reflections from...
Noel Piper
And here's a video history of the Memorial Day holiday from MSN.
Dan, a charismatic, is bashing charismatics. Here and here.
Taking a family vacation this summer? C.J. has seven lessons to consider:
1. A Servant Heart
2. A Tone-Setting Attitude
3. An Awareness of Indwelling Sin
4. Studying Your Family
5. Skillful Surprises
6. Intentionally Together
7. Gratefulness to God
Two quick daily reads to add to your routine:
Of First Importance
22 Words
Tenth Pres has a spiritual health survey. Collin provides the word file and sample.
Challies reflects on "Six Ways to Hinder Your Prayers." Good stuff (HT: UW).
Dan Phillips, whom I had the joy of meeting at the Band of Bloggers discussion, has a two-part series on penal substitution in Proverbs. Check it out here and here.
Missions in a Microwave World
[image: Missions in a Microwave World]
What do you do when expectations about ministry don’t line up with
on-the-ground results?
We moved overseas more th...
1 hour ago
You've given me some more edifying homework; thanks.
I'm not so much "bashing charismatics" as I'm calling for more wisdom and discernment. Though I will admit that too many charismatics open themselves up to a justified bashing.
And yes, the Lakeland thing is troubling.
Have a great week.
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