Some things I trust have benefitted my soul recently:
Mark Dever on "The Pastor and the Church":
The Pastor
The Church
Don Carson:
The Flow of Thought in 1 Timothy 2
Is the Culture Shaping Us or Are We Shaping the Culture?
HT: Titus2Talk
A Holy Nation: The Church's High Calling
Bob Kauflin:
The Fight for Joy (Psalm 42-43)
J. M. Stiles:
Getting the Big Picture (1 Cor. 9:18-27)
One Believer Dies, Another Lives: On Reading Providence
[image: One Believer Dies, Another Lives: On Reading Providence]
In Acts 12, God allows Herod to kill James, but he thwarts the king’s plan
to kill Peter. ...
1 hour ago
How can you get a sermon titled, "The Pastor" from passages that teach about elders? Sure, elders shepherd the flock, but that is a plurality of elders.
Man, there is so much to listen to! I recently found a link to tons of Tim Kellers stuff! I now schedule about 3-4 hours a week just for podcast/mp3 time. The age we are in is a blessing and a curse!
I would love to read/write a blog post on how to make the most of online media. I feel like I need to listen to it all. How many sermons do you think pastors should listen to on a weekly basis? How can this be done without sacrificing reading/study?
Greg B
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