When I started this blog, it was at my wife's suggestion. As always and with everything, she has been my biggest supporter and deepest partner in life. Even as she opens the blinds in the house this morning, I'm feeling deeply grateful to God for her and profoundly privileged to be her husband. The Lord is treating me better, far better, than I deserve.
And when I started this blog, I didn't think anyone would ever visit or comment. But many of you have, and I am grateful for you, for your thoughts and ideas, for the ways you either affirm or challenge my thinking, and for your being one means by which the Lord continues His work of sanctification in my life. Over these 1,000 posts, I've come to know many of you as friends and co-laborers in gospel fields. I've benefited from your prayers, and many of you have received mine as well. The blogging community has been a wonderful community to join. Thank you for making this a far, far more interesting blog than it would have been otherwise.
I didn't think I had much to say by post 100. Now that I'm at post 1,000 I think I have even less to say. We'll see how things progress, what the Lord gives us to discuss, and how He uses it all for His glory and our joy.
Grace and peace to you on this Lord's Day! May you be excited by the presence and power of Christ as you praise Him!
I always enjoy clicking over here to your blog. You offer a nice balance of theology and humor, video clips and thought-provoking posts.
Here's to another 1000 insightful posts.
Keep 'em coming!
Please do keep them coming! I have learned a lot from you all.
Hungry to eat His Word,
'Guerite ~ BoldLion (UNC-Tarheels fan)
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