Are Christians Happier Than Non-Christians in This Life?
[image: Are Christians Happier Than Non-Christians in This Life?]
Why are Christians most to be pitied if there’s no resurrection? Don’t we
still experienc...
13 hours ago
my daughter is praying about going to Jordan next year, so listening to the discussion is helpful.
Thank you!
Thank you Thabiti, for being a faithful servant of Jesus Christ. I've only watched the first 40 minutes of the video, up to your answer of the Trinity question, which was handled with much wisdom, praise God. I am a Christian teacher who works with Muslims in California. I pray everyday God will show me what to say and how to be a light in that darkness.
When I first heard your testimony a few months ago, I began following your ministry. I loved your message at John Piper's Holiness Conference on Ezekiel 8-9 (?), and I have your blogfeed bookmarked. And this message was a faithful proclamation of the Gospel to Muslims. I am going to pray that God will use it to call His elect from the Muslims in the room and all over the world who see this video. If you ever have any words of encouragement for a fellow minister, please pass them along. God bless you.
Thank you for doing this! I am a Christian but my father is Druze. I would love to read more about the Arab-Israeli conflict from a Christian perspective, and was wondering if you could make any book recommendations?
Thanks again,
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