I was surprised when I read at JT's that this riff was first written by Dr. S.M. Lockridge. I first heard E.V. Hill run this down. See the two videos below. The first has Hill's voice, the second also has Hill's voice (I think) but is set to contemporary music. Does anyone know when Hill first preached this?
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17 hours ago
That's not Hill preaching, man. That's Lockridge, both times :-).
1976 in Detroit, I believe.
E.V. Hill i know. But i'd never heard of Lockridge. i started reading the sermon before i listened to it, and after a few lines i thought to myself, "Hold up...this sounds like a black preacha!" Then i listened to clip on Youtube. Yep!
JT's post should've come with a warning not to listen to this at work. Lockridge almost got me shoutin' up in here!
My hunch is that there are two versions of this "out there". The fullest version I know of Lockridge (the text that JT posted) does not include some of the words that are in the Willow Creeks Arts video version (yours for only $19.99).
A mystery! :)
David Reimer
Just a small FYI: There is a higher quality video with greater clarity available at vimeo that I posted on my blog. What fabulous adjectives are used to describe our Lord Jesus Christ in this sermon clip!
I've loved that ever since the first time that I heard it; it's powerful, isn't it?
aj is right, it is S. M. Lockridge both times. It is from a sermon entitled "Amen" where he preaches through the Lord's Prayer.
I have an old cassette tape recording of the entire message!
my vote is EV Hill...sure sounds like him to me both in voice and style..
SM Lockridge did from my knowledge. He also did this one, "Sunday's Comin" which comes from a sermon.
I once aspired to write a biogrpahy on SM Lockridge because I believe he is overlooked for all he did and there is not much material on him.
I haven't written a book yet and don't know if will do it.
Thabiti, you should take up the project :) It would be a great addition to The Faithful Preacher. Maybe add in other preachers from similar timeframe?
I'm late getting in on this because my computer has been acting up (I'm using another computer right now), but that's S.M. Lockridge. I have this sermon on cassette tape. I bought it several years ago from Moody Bible Institute Cassette Ministry (I think they call it Moody Audio, now, and have put all their recordings in more up-to-date formats).
As has been stated before, both clips are the voice of S. M. Lockridge.
Check out anne graham lots book Just Give Me jesus. She uses this throughout her book in snippets in each chapter/bnetween chapters. i'm sure in her bibliography she cites the original sermon by Lockridge.
Check out anne graham lots book Just Give Me jesus. She uses this throughout her book in snippets in each chapter/bnetween chapters. i'm sure in her bibliography she cites the original sermon by Lockridge.
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