I'm a preaching pastor. So, I really appreciate resource and persons who help me think about that calling and task with greater clarity and zeal. I've been reading a couple of blogs of late that have been a real encouragement to me. So, I'm adding them to my list of links and I hope you'll check them out if you haven't already.
Expository Thoughts is run by a group of pastors from Florida to Indiana, and they consistently have good things to say about preaching and preachers. Check them out.
The work that Phillip M. Way is doing over at Pastorway also deserves some notice. Phillip writes full devotions most days, but I've also appreciated his list of Puritan quotes on family worship and his meditation on ethnicity.
And then there is SoloFemininity. Okay... I know you're thinking, "What? SoloFemininity as a blog for preachers." Yep. Carolyn is a solid sister and I learn a lot about my sisters in the faith through her blog. And since I am a pastor to women, I need to learn from Carolyn and other sisters. And to boot, this corrects the obvious error of not having SoloFemininity in my original list of blogs.
Missions in a Microwave World
[image: Missions in a Microwave World]
What do you do when expectations about ministry don’t line up with
on-the-ground results?
We moved overseas more th...
1 hour ago
I think the Pastorway blog is written by Phillip Way, not Rick Phillips. Regardless, it certainly is helpful!
Thanks guys for catching my mistake here! I've updated the post.
Thanks for the link. All of us at Expository Thoughts are constantly edified by you posts here at Pure Church. Blessings to you brother. I look forward to meeting you one day.
Thanks for the link indeed - I appreciate the vote of confidence but even more appreciate the opportunity for us to work together to edify the church!
Keep up the good work.
~Phillip (pastorway)
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