It's Monday morning... one of those Monday mornings where you're behind as soon as you wake up. But rather than be overwhelmed with the list of things to do, I've "snuck a peek" at a few blogs... and in God's kindness found some gems for my weary soul this morning.
The first was Carolyn McCulley's post Faith That Is Rewarded. It's always good to begin the day with Spurgeon!
New Attitude posted a great interview called Humble Orthodoxy and Church Trends: 11 Questions with Justin Taylor. Excellent read.
While in a Sovereign Grace kinda mood, missing being near all those guys, I also had a good laugh with the Friday Funnies over at GirlTalk.
You've probably seen much about the Ted Haggard situation. Justin Taylor has posted his and his wife's letters to the church. They're touching. And I found Dan Edelen's post concerning the need for congregations to protect their pastors by allowing them to know the grace of being a part of the body a really insightful and helpful commentary. It prompted a good conversation between me and my wife.
Supernatural Pastors: How to Minister in God’s Strength
Brothers, if we are going to do good — lasting good — to our churches, then
we must preach and lead and counsel and serve in the strength that God
14 hours ago
1 comment:
The letter from Ted Haggard is quite incredible. Accepting the blame, confessing the sin, no hint of self-justification and acknowledging that the church oversight is right in removing him. If this truly reflects his heart, God may yet do some great things through this man.
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