This year I'm trying to think about evangelism, so this video caught my eye. I wonder how often my preaching looks like this example of extreme witnessing.
Also, Paul Crouse at Engaging Your World extended the priviledge of doing an interview on The Decline. As did Christian Manifesto.
Later today, Lord willing, it'll be a joy to discuss The Decline with Janet Parshall on Janet Parshall's America.
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7 hours ago
Who are these guys? This is so awesome ! ! !
if your preaching is like this we need it on ABC, NBC, and Sports Center.
Hi Thabiti thanks for a great interview, by the way it is Tom Crouse not Paul. Is this because I did such a bad job with your last name? haha!
Tom! I'm so sorry!
With a name like Thabiti Anyabwile you can't mess up Tom!
Let's see... how can I save this.... Hmmm.... It's because you look so much like Tom Cruise... and I was trying not to confuse Cruise and Crouse... that I changed Tom to Paul!
Naw... better to humbly apologize. I'm sorry brother. And thank you again for a fun interview. Hope to talk with you soon, or maybe shake hands at T4G.
Hi Thabiti,
I glad to hear that u will be on Janet's show. She mentions some interest in what African American theology is when discussing Barack Obama church and it’s teachings on her January 25th show. I sent hear an email about your book and it looks like she pursue it.
I suggest that we all do this, send an email to a talk show host that you listen and ask then to interview Pastors like Thabit and other Black and Reform Pastors .
To God Be the Glory Alone,
I'm gonna email Tavis Smiley and Oprah Winfrey! :)
Hey U never know!:-)
Dear brother,
I heard you on Janet’s show; definitely the Lord is taking you out in the open and let you have a “recognized name”. I am glad that the Lord is pleased to use you this way and at the same time it is a place where you should be all the more humble and fight the thoughts of subtle wave of conceit in the mind. You are in the battle field and you will, if not already, get the arrows from every side. And this is my prayer for you.
May he send you help from the sanctuary
and grant you support from Zion.
May he remember all your sacrifices
and accept your burnt offerings. Selah Psalm 20:2-3
Redeemed by the Blood,
Sarah Gebremicael
We have posted the interview, viewable here:
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