I think my favorite book is Hebrews. Is there a book that so completely demonstrates the supremacy of Jesus Christ over all things?
So, I'm thankful for anything that gives me a deeper love for the Savior by helping me to plumb the riches of the Book of Hebrews. If you haven't heard already, Justin Buzzard has published an excellent study of the Book of Hebrews. It's called Hebrews: Consider Jesus. Everyone should pick this study guide up.
Here's the information from the Good Book Company website:
Product Description
Jesus Christ - it's a name that still has unique pulling power, even in today's secular society. Jesus is used as a comforting idea in times of trouble, an inspiration for those seeking spirituality, and even as a figurehead for counter-cultural enthusiasts. But the real Jesus is so much greater than this.
Jesus Christ is at the centre of the Bible's message and God's plan for the universe - and at the centre of human history. But is He at the centre of our existence - our hopes, priorities and day-to-day lives? We need to move on from simply knowing the details of His birth, life and death to a deeper understanding of their meaning.
The letter to the Hebrews helps us leave behind out limited views of Jesus by explaining to us the supreme greatness of Christ Himself.
Consider Jesus is a Bible-study guide to help ordinary Christians get to grips with Hebrews. Here is an invitation to fix our eyes on God's Son - our perfect Brother, faithful and merciful High Priest, atoning Sacrifice and great Shepherd. Use these studies to discover the whole picture of Jesus Christ, and equip yourself to know, trust and follow Him, come what may.
Table of contents
Why study Hebrews?
1. God's greatest revelation (Hebrews 1 v 1 - 2 v 4)
2. The greatest man (Hebrews 2 v 5-18)
3. A greater Moses (Hebrews 3 v 1 - 4 v 13)
4. A greater priest (Hebrews 4 v 14 - 5 v 10 (ch 7))
5. A greater truth (Hebrews 5 v 11 - 6 v 20)
6. A greater covenant (Hebrews 8 v 1 - 10 v 25)
7. A greater promise (Hebrews 10 v 26 - 12 v 3)
8. A greater kingdom (Hebrews 12 v 1 - 13 v 25)
Leaders' Guide
Looks good. Hebrews is awesome.
Hebrews is my favourite NT is Hebrews (as in, 'he brews' coffee), and favourite Old Testament book is Lamentations. I love seeing the light in the middle of the darkness... It's so amazing.
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